If somehow you are seeing the wrong date or time on your computer and cannot remember how to change the settings, here is how you do it.
Find the date and time on the bottom right of the screen and click on it. You will see something like this:
Click on "Change date and time settings" to change either the date and time or the time zone.
Click on "Change date and time" to change either the date or the time or both. You can click on "Change time zone" to change the time zone.
The screen above is where you can change the date and/or the time. If you don't want to change it, click on the Cancel button. Otherwise, clicking on the OK button will update the date and time to what you changed it to.
The screen shown above is where you can change the time zone. I am in Minnesota, so I am in the Central time zone. Sometimes you can have the wrong time just by not having the correct time zone. The west coast is the Pacific time zone, then there is the Mountain Time Zone (Colorado is a state in this time zone). After that, is the Central time zone, and then the Eastern time zone.
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