Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Become a ChaCha Guide

I have been a ChaCha Guide since January of this year and I love it!  It's like playing a game on your computer and you get paid too!  A Guide answers the questions that people text to ChaCha. 

You start out as an Expeditor which is the person who cleans up the question and answers it quickly (if needed to) and sends the question on to a Specialist / Generalist (or Guide) so the question can be researched.

I started out in Points Mode.  You collect points per question (or query in ChaCha terms) and those points transfer to cash at the end of the month.  This is called the GuideShare program.  Every point is worth between $.005 and $.007 depending on how many total sessions (or questions) have been completed.

You can also choose to earn money through Traditional Mode (or cash mode).  This mode gives you $.02 per question for an Expeditor and between $.10 and $.20 for a Specialist / Generalist.  If you don't have a lot of time on your hands and only do this during the night, then the cash mode is a better option.  I say this because if you get in the Top 25 points earners (in Points Mode), you get double your money.

After a month of being an Expeditor, I was able to become a Specialist / Generalist (or Guide) which I like better.  If you would like to try out to become a ChaCha Guide, go to http://becomeaguide.chacha.com.  If you decide to try it out, please use my e-mail address, khochschild1@msn.com, as a referral during registration.  

I hope you join me as a ChaCha Guide because it is very fun and making some money while having fun is a great thing!

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